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Space to Soar

An Academy Endeavour education is a blend of state academic standards, curriculum best practices and core principles. Just as important, students get the creativity and room to ask questions, explore, try and even fail. Developing problem-solving skills is a common theme across classrooms.

Interstellar Education

Relationships and delivery of curriculum set Academy Endeavour apart from other schools. Children are exposed to a broad range of learning – from robots and green screens to library and technology. From the front office to the classroom, staff do what is 100% best for children – academically and emotionally.

Taking Flight

Academy Endeavour provides support and interventions for students, no matter their opportunities or challenges. Data, campus experiences and staff expertise is used to identify each child’s trajectory. Schedules are adapted, thinking flexible, components diverse and successes are celebrated.

Reaching Further

Reach for the Stars a school-wide program that teaches, develops and tracks these positive student behaviors: Respect, effort, attitude, citizenship and honesty. Students collect stars, then earn rewards – internal and external – by demonstrating these traits. 

Data Driven

Experiences and successes are two parts of the Academy Endeavour measuring stick. Student, testing and course data are used to track growth as well. This information helps make pinpointed, informed decisions about the components cultivate student learning, behavior and emotions.